Thursday 21 March 2013



The global mean temperature are rising faster with time
Since the TAR,progress has been made in understanding how climate is changing in space and time gained  through:
-Improvements and extensions of numerous datasets and analyses
-Broader geographical coverage
-Better understanding of uncertainties
-Wider variety of measurements

Direct Observations of Recent Climate change
1. Global mean temperature
2. Global average sea level
3. Northern hemisphere snow cover

Climate Change Attribution
-Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically ascertain the mechanisms responsible for the observed changes in the earth's climate
-Efforts have focused on changes observed during the period of instrumental temperature records


1. Insitu-observed (observed) data
-Hydrometeorological stations e.g. NMHDSs
-Agromet Research Centres

2. Modelling data
-Global or regional climate producing centres

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Effective Grant Management Principles


Beyond the proposal approval, this principle ultimately guides you in becoming an effective grant manager

One must take responsibility. It involves complying with regulations, reporting to the funder!! Grant management involves a difficult balancing act- ensuring a meaningful accomplishment in implementation and meeting the set obligations to the funder.

Effective management of any grant at any organizational level, depends on certain core principles. This helps build a relationship of trust with your funders.

1. Organize for the receipt and management of funding- get ready for paperwork to start flowing
2. Project initiation meeting- builds on teamwork
3. Develop a task management plan which strengthens on effective implementation
4. Establish system of compliance management (grants come with strings attached, conditionalities)
- develop a checklist of all the requirements in the grant document
-Do not overlook the critical requirements
5. Establish and maintain a good financial management system
-good accounting systems as per acceptable and universally applied standards
-Effective cost management system (tracking and posting costs appropriately)
Effective reporting system (fair and accurate)

6. Establish a sound procurement system
- follow the procurement guidelines
7. Follow necessary and sound personel practices
8. Establish and maintain a system of property management

 9. Follow sound security, health and safety practices
10. Establish an audit management and resolution process
- regular audits are a sound business practice for any public organization
11. Follow sound ethical practices- honesty and integrity in managing grant funds is a necessity
12. Establish a system of quality
13. Monitor current grant administration trends

Writing Proposals and Project Management

Proposal Outlines/frame

1.      Proposal cover page
2.      Executive summary (ptovides a summary of the entire proposal)
3.      Organizational background
4.      Problem Statement (from 1/2-1 page)
5.      Justification
6.      Project description (goal, objectives, outline activities, input, and outcomes)
7.      Project implementation-Work Plan (include timeframe)
8.      Project Management
9.      Monitoring and Evaluation (on-going and periodic exercises respectively (1/2-1 page)
10.  Expected outcomes (what are your expectations)
11.  Risks and Assumptions
12.  Sustainability Plan
13.  Budget:
- Should be moderate
-Prevailing market based rates
-Should be activity based
-Should be modest

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems in Morogoro region

Climate change has caused adverse impacts on forests in Morogoro region. This has led to decrease in Uluguru mountains

Using remote sensing techniques in climate change dynamics in Africa

The use of remote sensing is unique in addressing climate change impacts in sub-Saharan Africa
Destructive farming in Nguru forest block